Monday, 1 October 2012

HM's Conference - Agenda Items

Present ::Sri D.Anjaneyulu, M.Sc., M.Ed., C.I.P.E.(London)

Rc. No.1 Spl. B4 / 2012.                                                                           Dated     -09-2012.

            Sub :-  EDUCATION – Secondary Education – Guntur District – Annual                                                      Conference of Headmasters/Principals of APEWREIS/APREIS/APTWREIS/                                Principals of Junior Colleges (High school sections) and Physical                                                        Directors/Physical Education Teachers on   03-10-2012 –Communication of Agenda Items – Reg.

                        It is proposed to conduct Annual Conference to all the Headmaster of Secondary Schools, Principals of APSWREIS/APREIS/APTWREIS, Principals of Junior Colleges ( High School Section), Physical Directors/Physical Education Teachers  at Pariksha Bhavan, campus of Govt Urdu Boys High School, Guntur on 03-10-2012  from 10-00 A.M. to 01-00 P.M. and     02-00 PM to 05-00 PM.
In view of this, they are requested to attend the said conference with material shown in the Agenda items.

                        All the Deputy Educational Officers, Asst. Commissioner for Government Examinations, O/o the District Educational Officer, Guntur, Secretary, Common Examinations Board, Project Officer, RVM, Guntur are requested to attend the meeting without fail.


1)            To discuss about the children who are going to appear to the following competitions.
a)    National Talent Search Examinations./NMMS
b)    Cultural Talent Examinations.
c)    Mathematical Olympiad.
d)    Improving quality education – Attendance monitoring and performance monitoring;
2)            To discuss effective implementation of Mid day meals scheme in the schools;
3)            To discuss about the implementation of R.M.S.A. Scheme works;
4)            To discuss on Right to Education Act;
5)            To discuss on Right to Information Act;
6)            To discuss venues of Zonal Sports Meet;
7)            To discuss about the Academic monitoring.
8)            To discuss about the Sampoorna Vidya Darsini.
9)            To discuss about the improvement of SSC March 2013 results.

                                                                                                     District Educational Officer,
All the Headmasters of High Schools/ Principals of Junior Colleges(High school section)/ in the District with a request to inform the same to all the      P.Ds/P.E.T.s in the District under proper acknowledgement.
Copy to all the Deputy Educational Officers in the District.
Copy forwarded to all the Municipal Commissioners in the District.
Copy to the Inspector of Physical Education, Guntur.
Copy to the Inspector of Physical Education (Boys), A.P., Hyderabad.
Copy submitted to the Commissioner & Director of School Education, A.P., Hyderabad for favour of kind     information.
Copy submitted to the Collector & District Magistrate, Guntur – for favour of kind information.
Copy submitted to the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Guntur for favour of kind     information.
Copy forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer, ZPP,Guntur – for kind information.
Copy forwarded to the Project Officer, RVM,Guntur.
Copy to Asst. State Organizing Commissioner, Scouts and Guides, Guntur.
Copy to the Secretary, Common Examination Board, Guntur.
Copy to the Asst. Directors, O/o. the District Educational Officer, Guntur.
Copy to the Asst. Commissioner for Exams, O/o District Educational Officer, Guntur.
Copy to all the Superintendents, O/o District Educational Officer, Guntur.
 Copy to all Mandal Educational Officers in the District.