Friday, 18 April 2014


Sir / Madam,

             The District Collector informed the District Educational Officer, Guntur that the particulars of Teaching / Non-Teaching Staff (including attenders) of certain schools are not submitted by the MEOs / HMs of High schools and directed to submit the particulars Teaching / Non-Teaching Staff (including attenders) , whose particulars are not submitted before to the O/o the Collector & District Magistrate, Guntur, within 2 days 

             Hence, all the  MEOs / High School Head Masters are requested to submit the particulars of Teaching / Non-Teaching Staff (including attenders) , whose particulars are not submitted previously, to the email addresses, given below, in the prescribed 33 column proforma, immediately.

                All the  MEOs / High School Head Masters are requested to submit the CERTIFICATE that the particulars of all the staff working in the schools in the mandals / High Schools are submitted in the 33-column proforma.   Model certificate is enclosed herewith.

              DyEO are requested to inform the Head Masters of High Schools of their jurisdiction to submit the CERTIFICATE.

           Pl. submit the scanned copy of the signed CERTIFICATE immediately. Otherwise matter will be viewed seriously.

             If particulars of any teachers / staff not submitted previously, please submit immediately to the following email addresses, along with the above CERTIFICATE.




Pending High Schools / MEOs list

Proceedings of Collector & District Magistrate, Guntur.


1)        MODEL CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED BY MEO / HM of High Schools   (Aided,    Govt., ZP, Municipal etc.,  / Principals of Model Schools / all Residential Schools / KGBVs etc.,

2)      33 Columns proforma for submitting the particulars of remaining staff. (if any) ( Please send only the names of staff whose names not submitted earlier )

                                                                District Educational Officer,