Friday, 23 May 2014


Refer G.O.Ms. No. 78 Finance (TFR) Department dated 07.04.2014 and G.O.Ms.No.95 Finance (TFR) Department dated 06.05.2014  which  are available in the A.P. Government website “http// www.ap /  “http://”.All the District Project Co-Coordinators of RMSA  are requested  to take action accordingly  and furnish the Bank balances  as on 25.5.2014  together with details of name of the bank, name of the branch, IFSc Code, Balance available as on 25.05.2014. The Bank balance should be arrived along with interest till 25.05.2014.
Further the DPCs of RMSA in the Districts are also requested to furnish the information with regard to the balances available with the SMDCs of schools under their jurisdiction to which the RMSA funds are released in the following Proforma.
Name of the School and Village
Name of the Mandal
Name of the Bank, Branch, IFSC Code
Bank Account No
Balance available as on 25.5.2014 together with interest accrued. 
The information should invariably be sent by 26.05.2014 without fail.

                                                          (Finance and Accounts Officer)
        for Com.& Dir. Of School Education
                                                                                         & Ex. Officio PD, RMSA.

Copy to Accounts Officers,  of RMSA in the state
Copy to Asst. Director (Admin) RMSA.

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     Communicated to all the Head Masters in the District to submit the Account particulars in the above mentioned proforma to without fail, immediately.

                                                                                           RMSA, Guntur