Friday, 8 August 2014

Entering of UID Numbers and particulars of students in CHILD INFO Website

Sir / Madam,

Sub :- Aadhar friendly Child Info- Uploading the names of newly enrolled     
         children at CHILD INFO website -  Instructions-Issued-Reg.

Ref :- Procs. Rc.No 646 / SSA / AP / A8 / 2014  dated:0608-2014 of the State Project Coordinator, APSSA, Hyderabad.
            In pursuance of the orders issued in the reference cited, all Deputy Educational Officers, Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters of High Schools are requested to enter the particulars of children with UID No. and complete the process of data entry in CHILD INFO website by 25-08-2014, without fail.

            Top Priority should be given for this item of work.

                                                            District Educational Officer,