Friday, 12 May 2017


DOWNLOAD  Reverification Application 

Submit the Application along with Xerox copy of Hall Ticket at Exam Cell, Stall Girls HS, Nagarampalem, Guntur duly counter singed by HM on or before 20.05.2017.

Rs.1000/- per each subject  through individual challan only to the following Head of accounts

0202- Education, Sports, Arts and Culture
01 - General Education
102 - Secondary Education
06 - Director of Govt. Examinations
800 - User Charges
DDO CODE::27000303001

The Challan has to be paid by the individual candidates only and no group challan will be accepted.

Fee paid by way of drawing Demand Drafts & Bankers Cheques will not be accepted.

Enclose One Self addressed envelope of 12 X 9 ½ (book size) and another cover of   10 X 4 ½ with the address of the Head master concerned without affixing postal stamps

Provisions included in Re verification:
      1) Re totalling
2) Whether marks for all answers are posted or not.
3) Re-verification as per the Principles of valuation for only those answers which are    Un-valued.  Un-valued answers will be valued and marks will be awarded.
The Xerox copy of the valued answer script will be sent to the candidate after re-verification.