Friday, 3 November 2017

RMSA - IEDSS ASSESSMENT CAMP for supply of hearing aids to the cwsn students of IX AND X classes

All High School Headmasters are informed that, on 06-11-2017 at Stall Girls High School, Guntur,  RMSA (IEDSS) is going to conduct Medical Camp for HI, SI children  ( hearing impaired, speech impaired ) who are studying IX & X Class in Govt./ZP/Mpl./KGBV/Residential/Aided/APMS schools.  After checkup, if the child needs hearing machines, RMSA is going to provide hearing machine free of cost.  The children who are attending to the camp must bring study certificate from the HMs of the school.  Children will be provide lunch & Travelling allowance.  So, all HMs must send HI, SI children of their school, to the camp, without fail. 

                                                                                                       – DEO, Guntur