Monday, 5 February 2018

CCE Marks Entry for Classes VI, VII and X - SA1 Examination of Academic Year 2017.18

DyEOs and MEOs are instructed to inform all the Headmasters of schools, that, online screen for uploading CCE Marks Entry for Classes VI, VII and X  - SA1 Examination of Academic Year 2017.18 is enabled and available for uploading of marks in and HMs are to log in from their school logins and enter SA1 Marks.  HMs are responsible for the data entry of marks in website. Instruct the HMs to complete the process of uploading of SA1 Marks by 10.02.2018 without fail.  DyEOs and MEOs are further instructed to monitor the progress of SA1 Marks entry through website and issue necessary instructions to speed up the process and complete within the time period i.e. by 1.02.2018, without fail.  Detailed instructions are sent to your email and also available in DEO website. __ DEO, Guntur.